

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t creating….. working on a paint-by-number with my dad, crafting with my mom, or baking with my grandmother. All of these things made me an artist. After retiring from a 30 year career teaching art to elementary school students, I needed a creative outlet and found polymer clay to be the answer. Making jewelry, vessels, and wall pieces fulfills my creative needs and hopefully makes my customers happy, too!

My jewelry, wall pieces, and vessels are made with polymer clay. Polymer clay is a synthetic clay that is heat cured, durable, and lightweight. Most of my work is created with a technique called caning. Canes are made by rolling, folding, flattening, extruding, or otherwise manipulating clay into forms with a consistent design throughout. Canes can be combined to make complex canes which are sliced into cross sections for jewelry.